The third season of Polly Pocket is the third season of the television series of the same name.
- "Big Ideas"/"Outfoxed"
- "Stalling"/"Paw-parazzi"
- "The Legend of Panda Beach"/"Escape the Escape"
- "Long Lost Friend"/"Sherlocket Holmes"
- "The Big Ball"/"The Unicorn Queen"
- "Keys to the Kingdom"/"Slumber Polly"
- "Magic is in the Heart"/"The Locket-ness Monster"
- "Computer Bug"/"Lepre-Can't"
- "Don't Judge a Book (Worm) By Its Cover"/"Shani Like a Star"
- "Putt-Putt Petcare"/"The Great Swim-posal"
- "Double Trouble"/"The Crow Must Go On"
- "Grandma's Big Day, Part 1"/"Grandma's Big Day, Part 2"
- "Polly Drops the Ball, Part 1"/"Polly Drops the Ball, Part 2"
- The first 13 episodes of Season 3 of Polly Pocket came out in Amazon Prime.
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